Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Failure is not an option

Today I had the chance to sit with my sister Penny as she received her second dose of chemo-therapy. (just 6 more treatments...yea God!

I thank God that I could be here to walk a few steps with her on this journey that she is experiencing. It is a long difficult climb, but she is determined to be victorious as she trusts in Jesus to see her through.

Penny wears a rubber band bracelet on her left wrist that simply says: "Failure is not an option" It sums up her entire approach to her battle with cancer and I know that It's not just a motto or a wish, it is the conviction she has as she trust in Jesus, the promise of God that resounds in her heart!

I'm not sure what valley you might be facing or what hill you are climbing in your life right now, but what ever it is I want to encourage you not to give up. Do not lose heart because the battle is already won! If God is for us, who can be against us!

Today I will take another step with Penny, another step with Jesus, another step on the journey..."because failure is not an option"!


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