Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Do You See The Family Resemblance?

Last Friday, my sister Penny went to get her head shaved because her hair had begun to fall out as a result of the chemo treatments. I know that it was a very difficult day for her, so I wanted to do something to help.

So, while she was getting her head shaved in CA, I was getting mine shaved in MI. Those that know me, understand that this was not an easy thing to do. I am very OCD when it comes to my hair. But, I couldn't let Penny take this step alone! I was able to send pictures and made a video of the event for her and I was able to upload it to the net so that she could see it that same afternoon. I am so thankful that it help to bring a smile to her face and make the day just a little easier to face.

I thought that I would let you decide for yourself if you notice any family resemblance.

enjoy, Bob

Can you guess which ones Penny?
Here's a clue...she's the cute one!

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