Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Flippin' Switches is Fun!

Have you ever had one of those moments when it was like someone flips a switch and all of a sudden everything is clear? I have always been on the receiving end of that experience, almost like a light bulb literally pops above my head and bamm! You get it! Yesterday, I had the opportunity see that happen to someone else, and it was an awesome experience.

I was invited to be a part of a meeting that was talking about launching a new church in the Allendale community. Allendale is a suburb of Grand Rapids, MI and is experiencing phenomenal growth, mostly because of Grand Valley State University. It is becoming a very post-modern college community. Anyways, at the meeting as we were talking about the possibilities I began to share insight into the mutli-site movement that is occurring in churches accross the country. It was then that I saw it - as if God had used me to flip a switch in Scott Sommerfield, Pastor of Holy Cross Jenison. In a moment we went from the impossible to endless possibilities; from I don't have the time, effort, or energy to someone energized and excited about the future that God has in store.

Please keep Holy Cross and Scott in your prayers as they seek to take a step forward in ministry! I can't wait to see what the Lord unfolds in's going to be great!

Flippin' Switches for Jesus,


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