Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Do you Dread Mondays?

I tend to think that most people dread Monday mornings because it's back to the grind, the beginning of another long work week with all its demands and expectations. I have to admit, that I use to feel that way about Monday's, until recently.

Matthew (Journey's Director of Worship and Arts) and I meet every Monday morning as a staff to go over the previous Sunday and look at the week ahead and even beyond. Lately Journey's drummer Matt Rubino has been joining us for our Monday monrning meeting. You might be wondering, what's so special about a staff meeting? It's not so much our meeting, but the way we begin our week. We have been reading through the book of Acts, typically one chapter at a time, and asking 2 very simple questions. First we ask, What caught your attention? (It could be anything, from the thought provoking to something trivial. We talk about it, read through the notes in our study bibles, look up additional passages and generally just that's interesting.) Our second question is, What does this passage have to do with Journey or our roles as ministry staff or our individual lives? (This is where we try and apply what God is trying to teach us. You would be surprised how much of what we read is exactly what we need to hear for that week or gives us insight into the challenges that we might be facing.)

If you have been dreading Mondays, why not let Jesus set the stage for your week. It can be as simple as 10 minutes, one verse and 2 questions before you head out the door, or the first 15 minutes as you sit at your desk. You could make use of your drive into the office with a good book on CD or the latest Journey Pod Cast. Jesus can touch our lives in so many ways if we just let Him. Even on Mondays!

Just another step on the Journey,


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